Be the house on your block with the lights still on
when the power goes out.
If you have been without power before you know how terrible it can be. Plan for an extended power outage and protect everything that matters to you.

How Big of a Generator do I need?
Genera has an online sizing calculator that can help you determine the right home backup generator for your unique needs.
Founded in 1959, Generac was the first to engineer affordable home standby generators, along with the first engine developed specifically for the rigors of generator use, and is now the #1 manufacturer of home backup generators.
Generac manufactures the widest range of power products
in the marketplace including portable, residential, commercial and industrial generators.
Also the leading designer and manufacturer of manual and fully automatic transfer switches and accessories for backup power applications up to 50 kW.
At Generac, we protect the things that power your life by
providing quality, affordable power solutions.